1km² Berlin – We are sorry!

Die Tragödie der offenen Stadt: Akt I

Installation and Videoperformance
radialsystem | Berlin | 2020

With the trilogy “1 km2 Berlin – Die Tragödie der offenen Stadt”, the artists* collective Guerilla Architects and the performer and author Alicia Agustín embark on a search for the ambivalences of contemporary urban development and make them perceptible as a community experience. The first act “We are sorry!” is the immersive prelude to the trilogy, a cathartic procession and guided tour along the speculative backdrop of the northern bank of the Spree. In the setting of a showroom like the one set up by the real estate industry for sales talks of planned but not yet realised building projects, the video performance confronts us with the closely interwoven strands of destiny of urban development, directs our attention to the perception and acceptance of responsibility of all actors* in relation to the sell-out of the city and asks the question: Who is responsible?

Artistic direction, research, scenography Anja Fritz, Shahrzad Rahmani, Benedikt Stoll (Guerilla Architects)
Artistic direction, script, performance Alicia Agustín
Artistic collaboration Rico Wagner
Project assistance Charlotte Rosengarth
Performance Lara-Sophie Milagro and Laurean Wagner
Cinematography, editing Camille Lacadee
Photography Phil Dera
Grafic Design Studio Krimm
Sound Design Özcan Ertek
Press Sarah Rosenau
Production ehrliche arbeit – freies Kulturbüro

Photos © Phil Dera | Camille Lacadee